Color Rules

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This section describes how to manage the color rules.

What are color rules? How they override the visual colors?

To manage the color rules, click on the editing button in the UI:

Retake the screenshot

Editing color rules in Calendar pro

Managing color rules: rules types

The first applied color rule is partially locked and can not allow you the maximum personalization.

So, to manage color rules, you need to add a new rule by clicking on Add rule.

Calendar Pro allows you to select among two different types of rules:

  • One based on conditions.
  • One based on the color scale.

Conditional rules

In the cases you want to display a color for a particular value, you can use the conditional rule.

For example, suppose you want to color the cells that present a sales amount greater than 20k. You can impose a condition like the following:

A conditional rule

And the result is:

A conditional rule

Color scale rules

The color scale rule allows for different levels of customization.

The color scale rule

First of all, you can choose your preferences on:

  • Scale Type. This option allows you to choose between Linear or Logarithmic. This parameter manages how the colors change during the transitions among one another, by using a linear or logarithmic logic.
  • Blank Values. This option allows you to:
    • Ignore the blank values.
    • Treat them as if their value was zero (Treat As Zero). In this case, the color will be the one associated with the value zero.
    • To set a color of your choice for the blank values (Set Color).

By enabling the Multiple Scales toggle, you can change the colors and their transition among colors at different granularity. In other words, you can set custom rules that differentiate the colors and their transitions for daily, monthly, weekly, quarterly, or yearly aggregations.

If the toggle is not enabled, Calendar Pro will apply the same rule to all the granularities.

You can manage the transition among the colors to associated values by changing the options for Minimum, Center, and Maximum as follows:

  • Percentage. The transition among colors can be at a certain percentage. This can be set by inserting a value in the dedicated box or by moving the percentage bar at the bottom.
  • Value. In this case, the transition can be set at precise values, instead of on a percentage base.
  • Field. If you need to display different fields, any field, in this case, will be colored with different colors.Check this
  • Calculation. In this case, you can set the transition of color based on calculation, using different mathematical operators.

The Below and Above options allow you to visualize the transition among values with certain colors. Then, below or above certain values (or percentages) the cells can be colored differently. This will enlighten values in a certain range.

Every option allows for the possibility to use the transparent: this adds a further possibility for personalization and customization, allowing multiple rules visible.

For example, consider the following rule:

Setting color ranges

This results in:

Retake the screenshot - the trasparent rule is not clear - show multiple rules

Setting color ranges

NOTE: The use of the Value or Percentage parameters can be mixed together at will.

We need to clarify that the value can be affected by the current filters

Finally, by enabling the Relative Domain toggle, Calendar Pro considers the first data point of the column as the starting point.

If not enabled, Calendar Pro considers 0 as the starting point in case of positive numbers. In the case of negative numbers, 0 is the highest value.

Color rules fields
Last update: May 09, 2024