
Define the appearance of the unmatched elements in the visual. Unmatched elements are the elements that are not associated with a data point in the dataset. See Data Binding for more information.


Default value: Original

Select a single color to use for unmatched elements background.

Available options:

  • Original: Use the color defined in the SVG file.
  • Greyscale: Use a greyscale color.
  • Custom: Use the color defined below.
  • (Hidden): Hide the areas.

Custom Color

Default value: second color of dataColors of Report Theme

Select the color to use for unmatched elements background when the Color option is set to Custom.


Default value: 0%

The transparency of the unmatched elements. The value ranges from 0% (completely opaque) to 100% (completely transparent).

Last update: Sep 14, 2024