
This section displays basic visual’s information.


The name of the visual.


The current version of visual.



The current status of your license, which can be:

  • Premium: Your license is valid and you can use all premium features of Bullet Chart
  • Premium (Grace Period): There is a problem with your last payment. The license is still active but in a week’s time it will no longer be valid.
  • Free (Premium Suspended):: The license has been deactivated. You can continue to use Bullet Chart, but all premium features will be reset and deactivated.
  • Free: You don’t have a valid license, you cannot use any premium features.
  • Not Available: A problem has occurred in checking the license status. The visual will continue to check it until it is resolved. After a few minutes, if the licensing system is unavailable, the license will be considered invalid and all premium features will be deactivated.

See more on Licensing.


Default value: Off

If selected, this option logs significant information and errors in the script console of the browser. This could affect the performance of your report.

This option is especially useful when you need to provide additional information on bug reports.