Auto Id Assignment

In Synoptic Panel, each area within an SVG map must be uniquely identified to ensure proper Data Binding and interactivity. During the map validation process, all elements are assigned a status, and unique id attributes are required for identification. To facilitate this, Synoptic Panel implements an auto-assignment process for IDs:

  1. Existing id

    If an SVG element already has an id attribute, Synoptic Panel retains it ensuring the element remains identifiable. It is recommended that the id be pre-assigned to the map before it is loaded to avoid any issues.

  2. Duplicate id

    If an SVG element has a duplicate id (i.e., multiple elements share the same id), Synoptic Panel will still function as expected, but this is not an ideal scenario. While the visual will continue to work, internally, a suffix will be appended to the duplicate id to make it unique (e.g., “my_area” might become “my_area_okviz_2”). In some case, this could lead to unexpected behaviors.

  3. Missing id

    For SVG elements without an id attribute, Synoptic Panel automatically assigns one and the data-okviz-auto-id attribute is also added to the element. The assigned id follows a specific convention based on the shape of the element, such as rect, path, circle, etc., combined with a sequential number (e.g., rect1, circle2). This ensures every area is uniquely identifiable within the map. Elements without and id will be considered as decorations and will not be interactive in the visual, unless manually bound to a data point.

Below is an example of an SVG source code and the auto-assignment process applied to it:


    <!-- Existing Id: Retained  -->                        
    <g id="back">   
        <!-- Existing Id: Retained  -->                                      
        <path id="sphere" d="M6865.81 ..."/>  

        <!-- Missing Id - New Id: "path1" - Added attribute: data-okviz-auto-id="true"  -->     
        <path d="M1730.68,384 ..."/>                    

    <!-- Existing Id: Retained  --> 
    <g id="sectors">    

        <!-- Existing Id: Retained  -->                             
        <g id="Economy"> 
            <!-- Missing Id - New Id: "path2" - Added attribute: data-okviz-auto-id="true"  -->                             
            <path d="M4343.6,234 ..."/>     

            <!-- Missing Id - New Id: "path3" - Added attribute: data-okviz-auto-id="true"  -->            
            <path d="M4343.64,2423 ..."/>  

            <!-- Missing Id - New Id: "rect1" - Added attribute: data-okviz-auto-id="true"  -->                  
            <rect x="200" y="118" .../>

            <!-- Missing Id - New Id: "path4" - Added attribute: data-okviz-auto-id="true"  -->                
            <path d="M5150.71,1459 ..."/>               

        <!-- Duplicated Id - New Id: Economy_okviz_1 - Added attribute: data-okviz-duplicated-id="true"  -->    
        <g id="Economy">  

            <!-- Missing Id - New Id: "rect2" - Added attribute: data-okviz-auto-id="true" -->
            <rect x="200" y="205" ...     

            <!-- other elements...-->                                                              
Last update: Jan 29, 2025