Category Level Maps

Default value: Off

This option determines which maps are displayed when performing a drill-down on a single data point (i.e., clicking on an individual area of the map). Since maps are linked to Drill Paths, this setting controls whether the drill-down reaches a category-level maps or a data point-specific maps.

So the key difference is which drill path is reached after the drill-down, while data points filtering behavior remains unchanged in both cases:

  • When Disabled (default): The drill-down selects maps associated with the specific data point.
  • When Enabled: The drill-down selects maps at the category level.


Consider the following dataset with a hierarchy of Category → Sector → Seat:

Category Sector Seat
Economy 210 SPH00961
Economy 310 SPH00447
Premium 305 SPH06856
Premium 307 SPH06484
Regular 204 SPH03440
Regular 205 SPH03734
Best 306 SPH09060

You are currently at the Category level. You click on an area of the map corresponding to Economy.

The drill-down is performed with the following scenarios:

  1. Category Level Maps Disabled (default)

    • The drill-down moves directly from Category to Economy-Sector drill path.
    • The data points are filtered by Economy.
    • You can only display maps linked to the Economy-Sector drill path.

    This is the default behavior, which allows you have separate maps for each data point.

  2. Category Level Maps Enabled

    • The drill-down moves from Category to Category-Sector drill path.
    • The data points are still filtered by Economy.
    • You can only display maps linked to the Category-Sector drill path.

    This is beneficial if you prefer to highlight selected data points within the category level map.

Last update: Feb 05, 2025