This section controls the behavior of the pan and zoom feature.
Lock Pan
Default: Off
When enabled, the pan is locked and cannot be changed by the user.
Lock Zoom
Default: Off
When enabled, the zoom is locked and cannot be changed by the user.
Zoom Sensitivity
Default: 0.5
The sensitivity of the zoom. A higher value will make the zoom faster, while a lower value will make it slower.
Min Zoom
Default: 100%
The minimum zoom level allowed. The value is expressed as a percentage of the base map zoom.
Max Zoom
Default: 1000%
The maximum zoom level allowed. The value is expressed as a percentage of the base map zoom.
Zoom On Element Fit
Default: 80%
Defines the percentage of the visual area to consider when zooming on single element (also applies to auto-zoomed elements).
Auto Pan Mode
Default: On
When enabled, the map can be always dragged by clicking and dragging the mouse. If disabled, the map can only be dragged when switching to the pan mode.
Auto Zoom Mode
Default: (Disabled)
Automatically adjust the zoom level and scroll position to fit all matched elements in the visual area. When is Single Data Point, the automatic zoom is applied only if there is a single data point in the underlying data, otherwise it is always applied.
Available options:
- Disabled: No automatic zoom is applied.
- Single Data Point: Automatic zoom is applied only if there is a single data point in the underlying data.
- All Data Points: Automatic zoom is always applied.